Meetup #1

April 28, 2020

Remind the First ever Figma Portugal Meetup.

To kick-start the meetup we all collaborated with Bonnie Kate Wolf by building our own WFH Office using Illustration Libraries inside Figma.

Illustrator and Brand Designer, BK is an energetic creative with a strong systems mindset, that previously worked at companies like Open Table, Square, and Survey Monkey. She lead all the fun and games while we built our own space and gave wings to our creativity.

The second moment of the meetup was lead by our very own meetup organizers Bruno Figueiredo and Flávio Santos, currently working at OutSystems and We Know You.

They showcased some of the best Figma use cases by exploring the brand new, still Beta, Figma Community, and all its assets. A peek into what the future of Open Source Design can be and the powerful features the tool has.

Lastly, we were joined by both Rogie King and Anthony DiSpezio, Designer Advocates at Figma, and overall incredible people.

They had a quick chat with us about Figma as a tool for all and answered some questions live in a very interactive Q&A, run inside a Figma file.

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